
Children’s Ministry
The children’s ministry of First Baptist Church was created to support parents in building a spiritual foundation of faith in Jesus Christ in our children during their formative years. Our volunteers seek to provide a loving and nurturing environment in which our children will grow and develop his or her own personal relationship with our Savior. Each Sunday we have prepared and welcoming teachers who teach God’s word in an age appropriate manner. Wednesday nights our children learn about missions and to participate in mission activities. Many more activities are offered through the year and the summer. We are excited about what God is doing through our children’s ministry.
Our mission efforts are led by our Women on Mission and the missions ministry team. The missions ministry team also supports a mission trip ministry team. God has also blessed us with our own missionaries who are currently serving in Asia. Alan and VerrDeen Williams help to make missions real. If you have a calling to serve in the mission field we really have a place for you! FBC is actively involved in missions in Mexico. We take at least one mission trip a year there. Our youth also take a mission trip as well. In summary, our vision is to pray for missions, give to missions, participate in missions, and learn about missions in order to develop spiritually toward a missions lifestyle.
Music Ministry
The music ministry of First Baptist Church is a shared ministry. We are very fortunate to have many people of various ages and walks of life who give the music ministry it’s life and variety. At this time, the music program is under the direction of Karen Broyles, our pastor’s wife. She is bi-vocational and currently teaches school in Novice. Karen has been successful at planning a blended worship service, using both traditional hymns and contemporary choruses for worship. The adult choir, which is composed of about 25 members, meets each Wednesday following the prayer meeting to prepare for Sunday Worship services. We generally have two musicals during the year, one at Christmas and one at Easter. As you might expect, we always have room for one more member!
Prayer Room Ministry
Professor of religion, Richard Foster said, “If we truly love people, we will desire for them far more than is within our power to give them and this leads us to prayer. Intercession is a way of loving others.” First Baptist Church is a church where “Love is spoken.” The intercessory prayer room began operating in February 2004, with twenty-six hours a week devoted to the prayer concerns of the members and those of the community and beyond. Many prayers have been answered with rich blessings and comfort to those here and around the world. Our desire is to have as many people in the prayer room as possible. In addition, we have an answering machine to receive requests that will be prayed for by the next attendant in the room. You may call the prayer room anytime at (325) 365-5696 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (325) 365-5696 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Interested church members, 18 years of age and over may request training to serve in the prayer room.

Sunday School
The purpose of our Sunday School is to reach people to reach people for Christ, teach people the Bible, and minister to anyone who needs it. First Baptist Church offers Bible Study groups for babies through senior adults. We encourage all of our Sunday School classes to be instruments of ministry and healing. You being a part of that ministry will only make it stronger.
Youth Ministry

The purpose of A2J Youth Ministry is to

Join together in;

Exposing teenagers to God’s love,

Strengthening our relationships with Christ,

Using our gifts to serve others in love and

Surrendering our whole lives to Jesus.

Other Ministries

Sabinas, Mexico

Women On Missions